Wow! It's been one busy summer off on mat leave with my 3 wonderful, energetic children! We were lucky enough to have a couple small trips and lots of fun activities closer to home. We've been enjoying summer to its fullest but I've also been working on some great things for Fall. I have been working on some wonderful art sculpture clips, mostly themed for Halloween - and am working also on some Halloween costume tutus. I am also doing sets of clips and working on some new headbands. Check out our facebook page for some samples!
It's getting towards that time of year where I am thinking about Christmas and will soon be working on some art sculpture winter themed clips! Great items for stocking stuffers! I will be participating in the 2nd Annual Fall Kids Flea Market on October 15th so come and check us out for some great tutus and hair accessories for the Fall and Winter! I will also have a table full of newborn - 9 month baby girl items, toddler boys clothes (mostly 3T) and some other wonderful babies and children's items including some gently used cloth diapers! Come on by and check out all of the other wonderful vendors :) I will be looking for opportunities for some Christmas craft fairs as well, so stay tuned...